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"Here's something odd: there is a cat hovering in the men's bathroom at the radio station here. He seems perfectly happy and healthy, but it's floating about four feet off the ground next to the sink."

Khoshekh is a floating cat who lives in the men's room of the Night Vale Community Radio Station. He appeared in the men's room during the Glow Cloud episode and was adopted soon after as the station pet. He purrs and rubs on your hand like a normal cat, but is floating about four feet off the ground and cannot travel. Cecil admits that while he is normally not a cat person, he has grown to love the cat, which has been named Khoshekh. The men of the station care for Khoshekh by leaving the sink running so that he has drinking water. They also take turns buying Science Diet Low Calorie Cat Food for the immobile feline, which they leave on the counter where he can easily reach it. Intern Brad, one of the few station interns (along with Paolo) who was never described as dying or meeting a horrible fate, fixed up a litter box for Khoshekh in Pyramid using a combination of carpentry and dark magic.

In Eternal Scouts, Cecil proudly announces that Khoshekh has given birth to an adorable litter of kittens. For any listeners wondering how a male cat could give birth, Cecil waves aside the question, noting that "some things just aren't meant to be questioned." 

In Faceless Old Woman, Cecil explains that Khoshekh cannot be photographed. He does not show up in photographs, and anyone who tries to photograph him dies a pretty agonizing death within a week. Khoshekh also has a meow like a terrifying monster. 

In The Woman from Italy, Cecil proudly reports how Khoshekh's kittens have grown bigger, molted twice, and grown "their grownup kitty spine ridges". He then warns the owners of the kittens that while visiting them, they should avoid the poisonous spine ridges and their venom sacs as two cat adopters have already been lost.

In Visitor, Khoshekh was knocked out of his fixed point by The Visitor (later revealed to be a biomechanical creation of StrexCorp, known as a 'StrexPet') and is badly injured. He was taken by animal control to a hospital. It is stated by Cecil that he will most likely live, but, "There will be significantly less of him, both mentally and physically."

In Cookies, it was revealed that Khoshekh survived the attack by the Strexpet, however, he has lost an eye and a portion of one of his paws. Cecil was able to hold him, and Khoshekh is currently being kept in Cecil's home, despite Carlos's allergy (Cecil got him some allergy medicine).

In Renovations, Lauren sends Daniel to take photos of the kittens, and Cecil finds him lying dead (or, perhaps, inoperative, he isn't sure if he Daniel identified as organic or not) as he returns to the station, carrying Khoshekh.


  • Khoshekh means "darkness" in Hebrew and was one of the ten plagues of Egypt in the story of Exodus.
  • Also Кошак [Koʃʌk] is a colloquial expression for "male cat" or "Kitten"[citation needed] in Russian. Google translates "big cat" and "kitten" slightly different.